November 6th to 12th (A lot of my pictures were lost because of an SD card accident, I’ll publish this post like this (only a few photos, most of them borrowed -Thanks Lise) and add photos later if I manage…

November 6th to 12th (A lot of my pictures were lost because of an SD card accident, I’ll publish this post like this (only a few photos, most of them borrowed -Thanks Lise) and add photos later if I manage…
November 2nd to 5th (A lot of my pictures were lost because of an SD card accident, I’ll publish this post like this and add photos later if I manage to get them back) On November 2nd, I arrived to…
October 30th – November 1st (A lot of my pictures were lost because of an SD card accident, I’ll publish this post like this and add photos later if I manage to get them back) After recovering from my emotions…
October 28th and 29th Close to la Paz are summits above 6000m, said to be the most accessible in the world. I decided to try the ascent of one. I had been told that it was not easy and that…
October 21st to 27th On saturday october the 21st, after visiting the Tiwanaku site, I took a bus to La Paz, and then I crossed the city with the cable car, in one hour (there are 5 lines in service,…
October 18th to 21st In the night of wednesday the 18th I arrived to Puno, close to the Titicaca lake. It is the highest navigable lake at 3,800m. The day after, I took a boat to the Amantani island. The…